Tag: Blackteak Realty

Business, Business News, Press Release

Housing trends to watch out for in 2022

August 24: The sector of Real Estate, which has been in its periodic declivity since 2013, went through its most abysmal phase during the last two years owing to the pandemic. With a world struggling to survive, the business in this industry came to a complete cessation which only got worse with the second wave in mid- 2021. The working population escaped from the big cities and made abodes in the mountains, beaches or their humble hometowns. The work that kept them chained to these cities suddenly set them free through virtue of the “work from home” phenomenon. The world witnessed a catastrophic situation where every individual irrespective of geography, ethnicity, social standing, age and gender, had to pause, lament and start over.However, despite the difficult last two years, mottled...